Neighbourhood, the Bangkok community mall, is resuming its outdoor film screenings this month, after taking a break during the rainy season. The current programme is billed as November Action Flicks, though it also includes Taxi Driver, which is more of a drama than an action film.
Martin Scorsese’s classic, one of the greatest films of the last fifty years, will be shown on 24th November. It has been screened a few times before in Bangkok: at House Samyan this year and last year, at Bangkok Screening Room in 2019, and at Scala in 2018.
Martin Scorsese’s classic, one of the greatest films of the last fifty years, will be shown on 24th November. It has been screened a few times before in Bangkok: at House Samyan this year and last year, at Bangkok Screening Room in 2019, and at Scala in 2018.