Malaysia’s High Court today upheld a ban on Belt and Road Initiative for Win-Winism, a comic book written by Hew Kuan Yau. More than 2,000 copies of the book were seized by Ministry of Home Affairs officials in 2019. It has been published in English, Malay (Inisiatif Jalur dan Jalan Meraih Manfaat Bersama) and Chinese-language (互利共赢的一带一路) editions. The book, illustrated by cartoonist Chong Po Ling (under the pen name Tomato), is a pro-China account of Chinese President’s Xi Jinping’s ‘belt and road’ global infrastructure project.
Various books have been banned in Malaysia in recent years, including Sapuman and other titles by Zunar. The novel Perempuan Nan Bercinta (‘a woman in love’) was banned in 2014, and dozens of books were banned in 2017.
Various books have been banned in Malaysia in recent years, including Sapuman and other titles by Zunar. The novel Perempuan Nan Bercinta (‘a woman in love’) was banned in 2014, and dozens of books were banned in 2017.