A defamation suit against BBC journalist Jonathan Head has been dropped by the plaintiff. The case stemmed from a televised report into fraud on the island of Phuket, broadcast on BBC2’s Victoria Derbyshire programme on 18th September 2015. The report alleged that a lawyer practising in Phuket had certified a forged signature, and he sued for the damage caused to his professional reputation.
In Thailand, defamation is a criminal offence, making investigative reporting a legal minefield. The BBC defended its reporting in a statement issued after the defamation suit was filed: “The BBC stands by its journalism and we will fight the allegations made against our correspondent by these proceedings.” That position was vindicated today when the charges were dropped.
In Thailand, defamation is a criminal offence, making investigative reporting a legal minefield. The BBC defended its reporting in a statement issued after the defamation suit was filed: “The BBC stands by its journalism and we will fight the allegations made against our correspondent by these proceedings.” That position was vindicated today when the charges were dropped.