100 Manga Artists, written by Amano Masanao and edited by Julius Wiedemann, is a revised version of Manga Design, which was published by Taschen in 2004. The new edition was published this month in a more compact format. Manga Design profiled 140 artists, while the new book features only 100. (Osamu Tezuka, of course, appears in both editions.) Also, the DVD included with Manga Design does not come with 100 Manga Artists.
Strangely, although Masanao and Wiedemann are both credited on the title page, only Wiedemann's name appears on the cover and spine. Wiedemann has edited numerous books for Taschen, including Art Record Covers, Logo Modernism, Information Graphics, and Understanding The World.
Manga! Manga!: The World Of Japanese Comics, by Frederik L Schodt, was the first English-language book on the subject. Maurice Horn's World Encyclopedia Of Comics features biographies of manga artists. Comics, Comix, & Graphic Novels, by Roger Sabin, includes an introduction to the manga industry. Comics: A Global History covers manga since 1968. (Manga Kamishibai is a history of the illustrated boards that were a precursor of manga comics.)