13 July 2016

The Art Of Cutting

The Art Of Cutting
The Art Of Cutting For Paper, Cardboard, Wood & Other Materials: Tradition & New Techniques, by Jean-Charles Trebbi, was originally published in French as L'Art De La Decoupe: Design & Decoration. The book begins with a brief guide to the various traditional forms of paper cutting: 'canviet' (French), 'Scherenschnitte' (Swiss), 'jianzhi' (Chinese), 'kirigami' and 'katagami' (Japanese), 'wycinanki' (Polish), 'papel picado' (Mexican), and 'sanjih' (Indian).

The majority of the book consists of profiles of contemporary artists who create cut-out sculptures, furniture, and architecture, though some interesting historical examples are also included (such as a magazine from 1889 illustrating "Decoupage d'une orange"). Trebbi also discusses silhouettes, shadow puppets, and pop-up books. (These are covered more extensively in E Nevill Jackson's Silhouette: Notes & Dictionary, Emma Rutherford's Silhouette: The Art of the Shadow, Eileen Blumenthal's Puppetry: A World History, and Trebbi's The Art Of Pop-Up.)