09 March 2015

The Anime Encyclopedia

The Anime Encyclopedia
"The world's most comprehensive book on anime", The Anime Encyclopedia: A Guide To Japanese Animation Since 1917, was written by Jonathan Clements (author of Anime: A History) and Helen McCarthy (author of The Art Of Osamu Tezuka). The second edition, published in 2006, adds 1,000 new entries covering animated films and television series produced since the first edition of 2001.

This revised edition also includes entries on genres, studios, and directors: "new thematic entries offer not only signposts to more in-depth discussion of certain topics within anime, but also concise histories of the medium itself". The cover depicts Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy, "erroneously described as the first TV anime... it was the first anime to be broadcast abroad." The World Encyclopedia Of Cartoons (Maurice Horn) contains some entries on Japanese animation.