20 June 2014

Art Of The Digital Age

Art Of The Digital Age
Art Of The Digital Age, published by Thames & Hudson, traces the history of digital art and features a survey of key works in various related fields, including digital imaging, computer animation, virtual reality, and internet art. Michael Rush's New Media In Art, from the same publisher, also examined the intersection between art and computer technology, though Art Of The Digital Age is more up-to-date and has a larger format. The title is a reference to Frank Popper's Art Of The Electronic Age. HW Franke's Computer Graphics, Computer Art was the first survey of computer art, published over forty years ago.

Author Bruce Wands defines digital art broadly as "the end result of the creative process in which an artist uses the computer as their primary tool". As he points out, the digital age is transforming art, especially for the 'digital native' generation: "many of the perceived differences between digital art and contemporary art become blurred. We are in a period of transition: artists of the future... are unlikely to distinguish between art created with technology and other types of contemporary art."