14 May 2016

“A person’s honour is under attack...”

A German MP has recited Jan Boehmermann’s poem mocking Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Boehmermann read the poem on his late-night comedy show Neo Magazin Royale on 17th March, and he is currently facing a police investigation following a complaint from Erdoğan.

In the German Bundestag on Thursday, MP Detlef Seif defended Erdoğan: “I read this to you so that you know what was actually said. A person’s honour is under attack here.” He then proceeded to recite the entire poem, thus effectively compounding the insult.

Boehmermann’s producers have deleted videos of the Neo Magazin Royale broadcast, though Seif’s recital has been widely circulated online. In solidarity with Boehmermann, The Spectator launched a “President Erdoğan Insulting Poetry Competition” last month.